WOYWW #109

Bit of a mess on my desk this week- leftovers from yesterdays project for Hels Sheridans Sunday Stampers challenge I decided to have a go at- see post below this one.The old hair dye bottle contains watered down PVA, by the way. This particular brand has a screw-on top to the nozzle, which made it very re-usable!

A couple of pics of things that didn’t make it into the project:

Some little tags, that were slightly too large in the end, for the scale of the project, so they are waiting now for the right one to come along. Here I have strung them onto pearl string.

The only other thing I have for you this week, is some rolls of gold ribbon, from E-bay, so now I can start making some wedding samples for a friend. She wants Gold & white, and while white would be easy to buy & match up, gold was probably going to be harder, so I wanted to get as much as I would need before I even started. It would have been awful if she liked a particular ribbon I had used from my stash, then I couldn’t get any more.6 x 25yd rolls, £7.90, plus £1.05 p&p! Bargain!

Huge thank you to everyone who wished Ambrose well, he is looking much better this week. The swelling over his eye has gone down, he just has a bald ‘eyebrow’ now, where he’d scratched the fur off, lol. He isn’t complaining about his diet either, which has REALLY surprised me, eats his dried food just fine- picky creature. He gets lots of fresh water put down, however, he still prefers to go & drink out of the pond, or the birdbath! Makes you wonder about whats in tap water, when your cat prefers rainwater, lol.Oh, and I’m glad my sudden wake up when I fell out of bed amused a few of you- its the sort of thing that you even laugh at yourself afterwards.Well, I am off to visit the good folk of Lady Julias estate, have a fab WOYWW everyone.

18 thoughts on “WOYWW #109

  1. love those little tags, hope a project comes up soon for you to use them on, they're far to nice not to be used! Bargain ribbon, everyone loves a bargain! glad Ambrose is much better. Thanks for sharing.

  2. My cats do the same re drinking water!! I really like those tags, great colours and swirly patterns. I haven't got the hang of proper papercraft speak yet!! Are you very interested in Native American things? I went to a workshop all about Native American stories, legends etc – it was fascinating. xx

  3. Hi Shaz! Oooo nice Tag & a very productive looking desk, puts mine to shame 😉 Sorry to here the Lovely Ambrose is a bit poorly,cats they get themselves in some trouble eh! But makes us love them more I think! Hope you well! BB

  4. I love a bargain from e-Bay!! Nice ribbon too!! I know what you mean about animals preferring dirty water – my dog likes to drink out of the bird bath!!! We now keep putting fresh in every evening now!! The thing is our water is spring water what people pay a fortune for!! LOL!!
    I must get back into Hels' Sunday Stampers!!

  5. Great looking desk. Great bargain on the ribbon. I hate to run out mid-project too! Glad to hear the fur baby is doing better. Thanks for sharing. Vickie #44

  6. Thanks for swinging by – and glad to hear Ambrose is doing ok. Well done on the ribbon bargain – I've had to do the same with burgundy in the past and have now decided that I'm never making wedding stationery ever again!

  7. Busy desk this week and your project on your previous post is excellent – so nice to see the rejected bits, I have plenty of these 🙂 Glad to hear Ambrose is on the mend. The water thing is something we have noticed and puzzled over too. The next door cat, Mia, another naughty tortie, frequently comes into our garden to drink out of the plant pot trays – clearly a discerning cat! Hope your weekends a good one. Elizabeth x #72

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